Import data

To import data, you have to run these commands from the server where GeoRiviere-admin is hosted.

Import altimetry file

Altimetry should be imported first in GeoRiviere, in order for other imported objects to use DEM to compute altitude.

Put your altimetry file in var/ folder, and run command

docker-compose run --rm web ./ loaddem <dem_path>

where <dem_path> is /opt/georiviere-admin/var/my_dem_file.tif

If you want to replace an existing DEM, you can add the argument --replace to the command.

Import rivers / stream

Put your data file (in .shp or .gpkg format) in var/ folder, and run command

docker-compose run --rm web ./ load_rivers <file_path>

where <file_path> is /opt/georiviere-admin/var/my_stream_file.tif

Several optional arguments can be used with this command :

--flush : to delete all existing rivers in the database before import
--name-attribute <string> : allow to change the column name used to find the name attribute of the river (default is 'nom')
--default-name-attribute <string> : when there is no content in the designated column, this value will be used for the name of the object (default is 'River')
--batch-size <integer> : the rivers are imported by batch, this size can be changed if needed (default is 50)

Import stations from Hub’Eau

Stations can be imported from french Hub’Eau APIs :

  • Temperature stations with import_temperature_stations

  • Hydrometry with import_hydrometric_stations

  • Physico-chemical quality with import_pcquality_stations

  • Hydrobilogy stations with import_hydrobiologie_stations

Optional arguments:

--department DEPARTMENT [DEPARTMENT ...]
                      Department code
-p, --with-parameters
                      Get also parameter tracked by the station
--size SIZE           Results per page


docker-compose run --rm web ./ import_pcquality_stations --department 39,25

Import data references from Sandre

Some data references can be imported from Sandre, for now only units are imported.


docker-compose run --rm web ./ import_reference_data

Import zoning data from file

Put your files into var/ folder as for altimetry profile import.

Load cities

Load Cities from a file within the spatial extent : loadcities <file_path>

Optional arguments::

--code-attribute CODE, -c CODE
                      Name of the code's attribute inside the file
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loadcities /opt/georiviere-admin/var/commune.shp --name-attribute nom --code-attribute insee_com

Load districts

Load Districts from a file within the spatial extent loaddistricts <file_path>

Optional arguments::

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loaddistricts /opt/georiviere-admin/var/epci.shp --name-attribute nom --code-attribute code_siren

Load Restricted Area

Load Restricted Area from a file within the spatial extent loadrestrictedareas <file_path> and specify the name of the Area type

Optional arguments::

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loadrestrictedareas /opt/georiviere-admin/var/pnrhj.shp PNR --name-attribute nom

Import watershed

To import, use QGIS and edit watershed_watershed layer and specify “name” and “watershed_type_id” in attributes

Import sensibility areas from

Configure in /georiviere/var/conf like

from geotrek.sensitivity.parsers import BiodivParser

class PNRHJBiodivParser(BiodivParser):
    url = ''
    label = "Biodiv'Sports PNRHJ"

Mors informations :

docker-compose run --rm web ./ import_parser -v 2 BiodivParser