Import data

To import data, you have to run these commands from the server where Georiviere-admin is hosted.

Import data

Put your data file named CoursEau_FXX.shp in var/ folder, and run command

Custom your import file named et put this file in georiviere/

!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import django
import logging
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'georiviere.settings')
from geotrek.authent.models import Structure
from django.contrib.gis.geos.collections import MultiLineString
from georiviere.river.models import Stream

# get first structure, adapt with correct structure
structure = Structure.objects.first()

ds = DataSource('var/CoursEau_FXX.shp')

for feat in ds[0][4:]:
                # get geos object
                geom = feat.geom.geos
                # force 2D
                geom.dim = 2
                name = feat.get('name') or 'No name'
                flow = feat.get('flow')
                if flow == 1:
                        flow = 1
                elif flow == 2:
                        flow = 2
                        flow = 0
                stream = Stream.objects.create(structure=structure,

        except Exception as exc:
                logging.warn(exc, feat.geom.geos.ewkt)

And run command : docker compose run –rm web ./

Import altimetry file

Put your altimetry file in var/ folder, and run command

docker-compose run --rm web ./ loaddem <dem_path>

where <dem_path> is /opt/georiviere-admin/var/my_dem_file.tiff

Import stations from Hub’Eau

Stations can be imported from french Hub’Eau APIs :

  • Temperature stations with import_temperature_stations

  • Hydrometry with import_hydrometric_stations

  • Physico-chemical quality with import_pcquality_stations

  • Hydrobilogy stations with import_hydrobiologie_stations

Optional arguments:

--department DEPARTMENT [DEPARTMENT ...]
                      Department code
-p, --with-parameters
                      Get also parameter tracked by the station
--size SIZE           Results per page


docker-compose run --rm web ./ import_pcquality_stations --department 39,25

Import data references from Sandre

Some data references can be imported from Sandre, for now only units are imported.


docker-compose run --rm web ./ import_reference_data

Import zoning data from file

Put your files into var/ folder as for altimetry profile import.

Load cities

Load Cities from a file within the spatial extent : loadcities <file_path>

Optional arguments::

--code-attribute CODE, -c CODE
                      Name of the code's attribute inside the file
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loadcities /opt/georiviere-admin/var/commune.shp --name-attribute nom --code-attribute insee_com

Load districts

Load Districts from a file within the spatial extent loaddistricts <file_path>

Optional arguments::

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loaddistricts /opt/georiviere-admin/var/epci.shp --name-attribute nom --code-attribute code_siren

Load Restricted Area

Load Restricted Area from a file within the spatial extent loadrestrictedareas <file_path> and specify the name of the Area type

Optional arguments::

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--name-attribute NAME, -n NAME
                      Name of the name's attribute inside the file
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                      File encoding, default utf-8
--srid SRID, -s SRID  File's SRID
--intersect, -i       Check features intersect spatial extent and not only within


docker compose run --rm web ./ loadrestrictedareas /opt/georiviere-admin/var/pnrhj.shp PNR --name-attribute nom

Import watershed

To import, use QGIS and edit watershed_watershed layer and specify “name” and “watershed_type_id” in attributes